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Saturday, December 4, 2010

This has Been a good day for cash games

Besides tournaments I also played 4 sessions today. I had one at NL Hold'em 2 which was shy under 1000 hands and brought in a little over $1 but the real interesting ones were at NL 5. I had to stop after one hand, which an opponent played incredibly bad. I guess that always happens at these stakes and that is why I can not wait to move up. I was in the small blind and got 1 4X raise from seat 1 and then a caller in seat 3. Also, the button called. I thought there were too many in the pot and I had AK suited so I went for a move, a big bet and raised to 50 cents. Much to my surprise everyone called. I did play a lot of hands at the table and knew all of them well in what they played. Flop came 2 4 4 with 2 hearts. It was perfect for me with a pot of $2. I raised $1.55. The weakest player at the table went all in. He did that a lot of times before with total bluffs and I had to call. Much to my surprise he had 8 4 and no hearts. Flush came on the turn for me but a second 2 came on the river and I lost to a full house. I was steaming like hell then and simply stopped.

The following 2 sessions were really good, taking back the $5 I lost and making a profit of a little over $10. These sessions were not that special. I played well and did not have much competition, nor did I have memorable hands. One was interesting. I had 67 of spades and was in the BB. We had one limper and the SB raised to $0.15. I was sure that the limper will call too so I called. Flop came 99j with 2 spades. Not a great flop for me but the SB bet was kind of small. He was either dealt a very good hand or a mediocre one. Once again he bet $0.15 in a pot of $0.45. That was, again, either very strong or very weak but a very cheap call for my flush draw. The other guy folded and the turn came 3 of spades, completing my flush. At that point he went completely all in. It was really weird and because it was that weird I just had to call. It just looked like he wanted me off the pot. He had Aces, one of spades. The river was a 4 of clubs and I took in a pot of $6.17. If he would have bet more preflop or on the flop I might have folded. Slowplaying Aces and shoving when the opponent made the hand is a big risk with those aces.

I was also really lucky on one hand. I was on the button and had AK. Before me one guy raised 3x and I doubled that with a re-raise. Much to my surprise both blinds called and the initial raiser. The flop came AK7. The pot was $1.20 and the BB bet $0.65. The initial raiser folded and it came to me. I had top two pairs, aces and kings. I thought about many possible hands he might have. AK and A7 were two possibilities highly possible. But I also had the SB to worry about and there were also 2 hearts on the flop. I shoved trying to at least get rid of one and see then. It was a bad move since I should have just called and get more information but I had a bigger stack than him so I wouldn't have gone out if I lost. SB folded and BB called showing a set of 7s. I was well behind and none of us had any heart. The river came a K and gave us both full house but mine was bigger, thus winning the of the night of $9.70. I also had won a pot of $9.95 but that one was not that interesting since I had KQ and the flop came with two queens. Not much opposition and then the turn was a K and a flush draw. Checks on the turn for me to trap on the river and then a completed flush on the river, a 10. He went all in and was much better than expected with a full house tens with queens but I had Queens and Kings. The turn was also a heart and if I wouldn't have shoved I would have folded the turn with the proper bet from the other guy so the result was pretty good but I am not satisfied with that hand.

Today I am going to try to move up another $10-$20 focusing more on cash games. I will play a couple of cheap sit'n'go tournaments in the morning and during the night will go for around 4 tournaments, hopefully having luck in them. I am currently on a roll and want to keep it up as much as possible.

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