I Play at Full Tilt Poker

Play Online Poker

Monday, April 26, 2010

Really Bad Poker Weekend

I really had a bad beat weekend while playing poker. I lost a lot of my profits overall and simply put the lesson that I still need to learn is to just quit in the event that the sessions are not going well. I could have better watched a movie or maybe work on some other sites. The only good part of this weekend was the fact that I got to get back a very close friend of mine but that is about it. As far as poker goes I was a wreck. I lost in Hold'em 10 consecutive hands all with really good cards like suited AK, AA, KK and AQ. I even had a pre-flop all in guy with J2 off suit against my pocket Aces and he flopped a full house. To make manners even worse, after that, the exact following hand I had pocket kings and flopped a set. The other guy completed an 8 high straight thanks to the turn and the River.

As expected, after these things I wanted to quit but my Tilt probably got the best of me. Still, I did take some time off and now I do believe that all is better. My last session was a winning one and I did get my focus back.

Friday, April 16, 2010

April 16th - Second Poker Game

Since I did finish earlier with my regular work I decided to start a new poker session. It was really bad and I had a very bad start, almost losing all that I won in the previous session of the day. The good news came as I managed to take everything back and ended up with a long Rush Poker $0.02 - $0.05 Texas Hold'em session in which I even played 4 tables at a time. Total time played 3.38 hours just to take everything back and make a small profit. Here is how it all went.

Quick Stats:

Sessions: 1
Tables: 1 to 4
Hands: 2,621
Profit: $5.73
Big Bets Won Per 100 Hands: 2.19
Dollars Won Per Hour: $1.69
Biggest Won Hand Profit: $5.5
Biggest Lost Hand Amount: $5.10

Best Won Hand:

April 16th Poker Game

Today was a profitable day of poker. In just 1.85 hours I made $20.01 starting with $30. I played Rush Poker Texas Hold'em $0.02 - $0.05, 6 players at Full Tilt Poker. It was a pretty good session where I did get some very interesting hands. I can say that even luck was a little on my side.

Quick Stats:

Sessions: 1
Tables: 1
Hands: 642
Dollars Won Per 100 Hands: $3.12
Big Bets Won Per 100 Hands: 31.17
Dollars Won Per Hour: $10.82
Biggest Won Hand Profit: $4.45
Biggest Lost Hand Amount: $2.30

Biggest Won Hand:

What This Blog is All About

Just in case anyone is wondering, this blog started as an experiment. I have played over 200,000 Texas Hold'em and Omaha Hold'em Poker hands so far online and have even gained pretty interesting results in some tournaments. What was wrong from my point of view is the fact that I was still what most people call a FISH even if I did have some luck. I guess we all have luck at one point or another in time. After losing everything that I won in a tournament (placed 2nd to win $1,500 with a $4 buy-in) and losing some extra $500 from my very own money I started to change my approach. Now I have read some good poker books, analyzed my game play and got a lot better by simply taking poker a lot more seriously than in the past. Poker, as every good player knows, is not about gambling. It is a game of skill and patience.