I Play at Full Tilt Poker

Play Online Poker

Friday, April 16, 2010

April 16th - Second Poker Game

Since I did finish earlier with my regular work I decided to start a new poker session. It was really bad and I had a very bad start, almost losing all that I won in the previous session of the day. The good news came as I managed to take everything back and ended up with a long Rush Poker $0.02 - $0.05 Texas Hold'em session in which I even played 4 tables at a time. Total time played 3.38 hours just to take everything back and make a small profit. Here is how it all went.

Quick Stats:

Sessions: 1
Tables: 1 to 4
Hands: 2,621
Profit: $5.73
Big Bets Won Per 100 Hands: 2.19
Dollars Won Per Hour: $1.69
Biggest Won Hand Profit: $5.5
Biggest Lost Hand Amount: $5.10

Best Won Hand:

Once again this was a hand in which I was on the button. I was dealt JdAh. Two players limped in before me and I made the raise to 4 times the blinds. Both blinds folded and the limpers called. The board came all clubs A J 9. The danger of a flush was quite obvious. For sure one of them had a club and probably a big one if they would pay a bet. First player bet the pot, second called and I also called. The turn card was Js. Now the only hand that could have beat me was pocket Aces for a bigger full house. Now the first player bet half the pot, the second one called and I had to decide what to do. If one of them had pocket aces all would have been over. If anyone was still on a flush draw then it would have been perfect but there was also the chance that someone had Pocket 9s, probably the first better as he did bet the flop too and then the half a pot bet here upon completing a full house would look like simply gaining more money. With just pocket aces as the hand that would beat me now I raised all in. Both players called, both getting all in and me left with around 60 cents. The river came Kc and the showdown showed the first player having 9s full of jacks and the second one on the highest possible flush draw as he had Kc. My jacks full of aces were the winning hand and I made a profit of $5.50 on this one.

Biggest Lost Hand:

Now this hand saw me with pocket Kings in the small blind position. A player raised from middle position and I just called. The big blind also called. The flop came 4 6 5. It is a really dangerous hand as there is a possible straight right there. I check, BB checks and the pre flop raiser now makes a weak bet of around 3 quarters of the pot. I raise double the amount to make a check on his hand strength. Big Blind calls and the initial raiser goes all in. Usually such an all in might mean a lot of things. With all the bets done before I put him on either an open ended straight draw or on a set. I totally forgot about the big blind, which could have had anything too and was to act after me. I did go all in and the big blind called and I knew I totally lost this one. I also punched my desk as I realized how stupid I was. The total pot was $18.10 at a 5 cents blind table and I ended up losing $5.10. Turned out the BB had 7-8, top straight from the flop and played us both. The other guy ended up with high card ace. He had a 7 and was waiting for the straight that the big blind already had. I could have lost this one even against a set.

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