I Play at Full Tilt Poker

Play Online Poker

Friday, April 16, 2010

April 16th Poker Game

Today was a profitable day of poker. In just 1.85 hours I made $20.01 starting with $30. I played Rush Poker Texas Hold'em $0.02 - $0.05, 6 players at Full Tilt Poker. It was a pretty good session where I did get some very interesting hands. I can say that even luck was a little on my side.

Quick Stats:

Sessions: 1
Tables: 1
Hands: 642
Dollars Won Per 100 Hands: $3.12
Big Bets Won Per 100 Hands: 31.17
Dollars Won Per Hour: $10.82
Biggest Won Hand Profit: $4.45
Biggest Lost Hand Amount: $2.30

Biggest Won Hand:

I was Dealt Kd Kh while being second to act. My chip stack was $5.07. I raised $0.20 as the first player folded. Everyone folded except the small blind, who called. His chip count was at around $23. The flop came Kc Ts Ks so I basically flopped quads. As you might expect I checked and the opponent bet $0.15, a weak bet, probably having something strong and trying to draw me in. I knew he did not have a K so I hoped for a high Pair, 2 spades or even 2 Ts. I raised him to $0.30 and he quickly checked. The turn came Jc and I raised him $0.30 hoping that he had queens or Aces or even A J. The ideal hand would have been JJ from him, which meant he would have full house and thus be very confident. He just called and the River came 3h. No real change in anything there. He bet $0.60 in a pot of $1.05. It looked so much like a bet that wanted to be called that I though he had something strong. I actually though of a Full House of some sorts or a pocket pair higher than what was on the table. I waited a few seconds so that it would seem like I was thinking about it and went all in. He quickly called revealing pocket Jacks with a full house of Jacks and Kings. I thus won a pot of $10.19 and made a profit of $4.45 after paying rake.

Biggest Lost Hand:

This one is a classic in terms of things that can happen in poker. I had Jc Js on the button. I only bet $0.15 trying to make it look as I was stealing the blinds and got called by the big blind. Flop was 3h Jh 2c so I got my top set. He bet me 20 cents on the flop and I just called. He might have landed a jack, 2 pairs or maybe a flush draw. As you can imagine, the flush draw was the only thing I was afraid of. The turn came 4c and he checked. I made a weak 20 cents bet trying to see what he was on, checking out that flush. He called and the river was a 7h, thus completing a possible flush. I made a new, weak bet of just 30 cents and he made a huge raise to $1.75. The bet did seem a little too high. If he had a flush he would have wanted me to pay him so such a high bet did not make that much of a sense. I made the bad call with pot odds of 2.22 to 1 and it turned out he did land a river flush with 8h9h in his hand. I sometimes do take such chances and this is probably the biggest mistake that I am still doing. Even with top set I still should have just folded as it was not justified to call such a strong bet when he did play as if he was waiting for a flush that landed on the river. So I lost $2.30. On the other hand, besides this pot the second largest lost was of just 80 cents.

On the whole this was a very nice poker day. Full Tilt went into maintenance as I would have played more. The cards were definitely coming my way today. Now I have to do my regular work and will probably play some more tomorrow. Hopefully we will be in front of a similar poker day as today.

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